What's Causing Your Hair to Thin or Fall Out


If your hair is thinning or falling out, know that YOU ARE NOT ALONE! Research shows that at least 1 in 3 women will suffer from hair loss or reduced hair volume at some point in their lifetime – yes, women suffer from hair loss too! 


We’re here for you. While it may be scary and nerve-wracking, there are many (read it again: many) ways you can address hair loss and even recover (yes!) any loss. 


Here are some reasons you may be losing your hair.


4 Reasons Your Hair May Be Thinning:


·Stress: There is not one, not two, but three different types of hair loss that is caused by stress. Isn’t that crazy?! Perhaps the most common is Telogen Effluvium (say that three times fast), where high-stress causes large numbers of your hair follicles to move into what is called a “resting phase.” When your hair follicles are at rest – they no longer grow. Within time, you would see those follicles and hair fall out when simply brushing or washing your hair. Hair can regrow once your stress levels are under control. You’ve got this. 

·Hormones: Both men and women can lose hair due to hormonal imbalances. While many think that estrogen or testosterone can be the principal players in hormonal hair loss – thyroid issues can play a large role here too. Our advice? Talk to your doctor about what you can do to better regulate your hormone levels. 

·Medication: While no one wants to hear this, medication has been shown to cause hair loss in some people. And it’s not a small list of medicines either that can have a detrimental effect on your hair. Drugs like retinoids, anti-fungals, anti-depressants, birth control, cholesterol-reducing drugs, blood pressure medication, beta-blockers, ACE inhibitors, hormone replacement therapies, thyroid medication and even weight loss pills (and so much more) can all cause Telogen Effluvium. Does that mean you should stop taking your medicine? No. It simply means it’s a natural side effect. If you are worried, talk to your doctor about options. 

· Auto-Immune Disorders: Alopecia areata is perhaps the most well-known auto-immune disease that causes hair loss. Jada Pinkett-Smith has openly discussed her experience living with alopecia. When you have alopecia, your immune system attacks your hair follicles, causing the hair to fall out. What you may not know is that while this attack causes hair loss, it rarely damages the follicles – meaning there is a chance your hair could regrow. 


We understand that losing your hair can leave you feeling stressed or embarrassed, but there are plenty of ways to get back to full, luscious locks. We can help you manage your hair care and figure out if your products are helping or hurting your hair game. Come in for a consultation today.


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