What is K18 and Why Everyone Should Be Using It

It’s not often that we are wholly and completely wooed by a product. But that’s precisely what has happened with K18. As science nerds and hair care advocates, we really found our match.


That’s why we want you to get in on this love affair as quickly as you finish reading this sentence. But if you need a little more persuading, let us dive into the details with you – because honestly, we could talk about the science behind this product all day.


And before you ask – NOPE, this is not an ad. We’re not being paid to write this. It’s just good ol’ fashioned, true belief and excitement over a product that is going to seriously change your world. And you deserve that.


What is K18’s Leave-In Molecular Repair Hair Mask?


K18 is a new product on the market, that is in direct competition to Olaplex. If you ask us, Olaplex ran so that K18 could, well, strut. At Hologram, we never truly took to Olaplex because it reacts to minerals in the water, not to mention that it is expensive and requires a whole lot of steps (and if you don’t do each of those steps, Olaplex doesn’t actually work – and a lot of people don’t know that factoid).


K18 is a peptide, molecular repair treatment. What does that mean, you ask? Your hair is made out of amino acids which break down when you color your hair and when you age. K18 penetrates your hair and repairs even the most extreme damage, effectively bringing hair back to its healthiest (and softest!) state.

What’s The Big Deal About K18?


The big deal is that it is one product, that takes just four (4!) minutes to repair hair damage. That’s it. That’s the big deal. It’s more affordable than having to buy an array of products and it works in a fraction of the time. It is safe on all hair, all ages, and addresses all types of damage. You see results immediately. We mean that, immediately. And the results just get better over time.


Again, we don’t make a penny if you run out and buy this product today. But we do get to sleep better knowing your hair is well-taken care of. So, go forth – do your hair a favor. We promise you won’t regret it.



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